

Warranted: 5 March 1947
Consecrated: 7 June 1947

Welcome to RP St John Charles Lodge

Our motto – “Date et Dabitur Vobis”, translated as “Give and it shall be given to you”. The Lodge also has an unofficial motto “No one needs a smile as much as he who has none to give”. This embodies the spirit which ensures we are always well supported by members of other Lodges, who appreciate the warmth and friendliness they receive when visiting our Lodge.

Whether you are a Freemason or an interested observer we extend the same welcome and invite you to browse our website.  If there is anything you do not understand or you require information on how to apply for membership, please make contact with us and a meeting will be arranged.

This lodge is renowned throughout Swansea and the Province of South Wales for the Quality and Sincerity of its Ceremonies whilst remembering that Freemasonry is voluntary organisation and that the success of every lodge depends on the warmth and friendliness of its members.

Our membership consists of a group of likeminded men from all walks of life and varying ages which leads to interesting stimulating conversations at our festive board, where we meet together in the spirit of mutual respect and regard as Freemasons.

Freemasonry encourages family participation and offers many opportunities to make long and lasting relationships whilst providing individual satisfaction due to its Charitable Ethos.